American Flag

July Poem

I Hear America Singing

I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,
Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong,
The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck,
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands,
The wood-cutter’s song, the ploughboy’s on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown,
The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing,
Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,
The day what belongs to the day—at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly,
Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.
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Resolution Review

Resolution Review

Today marks the end of June and boy has it been a busy month and a busy season. And since we’re pretty much halfway through the year, it’s probably a good time to look over my resolutions and see how I’m doing. I feel like I haven’t been productive at all. I always tend to write things down but never actually accomplish them. I guess life just gets in the way.

So, let’s see how things are going!

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Summer Flowers Black Eyed Susan

Life’s Like This

The problem with hobbies is that there’s just not enough time to do them all and still manage to accomplish things that need to be done, like keeping on top of the housework and feeding my family and all of that gloriously awful crap that comes with being an adult.

I was going full steam ahead with this blog until about January which coincidentally ended up being when I decided to start working out and getting healthy. And it’s not like the working out cut into my blogging time, since I never had a set time. I guess it was more that the fitness became a bigger focus in my life than sitting down to write. Which is a shame because I love writing and I fucking hate (HATE!) working out.

I think it’s just that I am inherently lazy or, well, to be nicer about it – easily distracted? I start and go full steam ahead into things then get bored with them and move onto something else. I’ve done that with everything. It’s a big ball of “DO ALL THE THINGS!” and “Nope, I’m bored with that” rolling around in my head all of the time.

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True Blood Cast

State of the TV Address: Summer Edition

The emotions I feel in May regarding my daily entertainment are bittersweet. On one hand, I’m excited that my evenings are a bit less cluttered during the weeks, which leaves time for me to play catch up on movies or TV series I’ve missed or to, I don’t know, read a book or two. On the other hand, most of my shows usually leave feeling fairly satisfied or at a total cliffhanger, so I’m fairly anxious for the fall to come around. Especially when it comes to shows like Sons of Anarchy or The Walking Dead that are only on through the Fall season.

This bittersweet feeling lingers over the household at this moment. We’re in that lull where May sweeps are just finishing up and new Summer shows haven’t started yet. Does anybody remember when there used to be nothing at all on during the summer? Nowadays it’s so commonplace for awesome shows to start in the month of June that I almost forget a time when there was nothing to look forward to.

Summer TV is fun for me. It’s lighthearted and not as serious. It’s just something to close out those long leisurely days spent lounging by the pool or out at the beach. You’re supposed to think to much with Summer TV. Save all the drama for the Fall when you’re shut inside and have nothing better to do than dwell over what kind of trouble your favorite motorcycle gang or troupe of vampires is going drum up. Summer is for the anticipation of the Fall, getting excited for the first night you sit down to a new season and find out just what happened in that cliffhanger long ago in May.

Needless to say, since I just spent three paragraphs waxing poetic about the state of television, (and since you’ve already surmised from the title) it’s time for the State of the TV Address, Summer Edition wherein I recap my favorites of the 2011-2012 TV season, talk about what I had to give up, what I’m watching now and what I’m looking forward to. Most of these are oldies but goodies but there’s some new blood in the mix. I did this in September too so click back over if you’d like to see then versus now.

And just to be fair up front – note: there be spoilers below!

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Summer Happiness

Summer – Here We Come!

Yesterday really inspired me to try and take advantage of this summer by getting out and about and doing things rather than just cocooning myself in the house. When I saw this post over at Kim’s page, I remembered I had done something similar last year and figured I’d go ahead and give it another shot. While I’d love to accomplish all of these things, I’m not steadfast in doing so. Rather, this just serves as a guide so that when we’re bored or looking for things to do, I can consult this here Bucket List and we can be off and running.

Also, a side note – I see people who still refer to the season as Spring and it just makes me laugh. I know we’re “technically” still in the Springtime but here in the South, the humidity starts setting in toward the end of April and makes me feel like we’re in the thick of Summer before May has even approached. It always hot, always sticky and the heat is so thick it takes your breath away. And yes, it’s nothing compared to what it’s going to feel like in the depth of July or August but it’s certainly not what my brain thinks of as “Spring!”

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