A few weeks ago, a friend of mine posted an article on her Facebook that sounded interesting so I clicked on over and found this site:
Thought Catalog
It was this article and I remember loving it.it was but I remember loving it.
Love someone like you’re thirty. Not like you’re running out of time, not like your options are drying up. Love him because despite failure and disappointment and fear, you can’t help yourself. Love him in spite of your past; believe in your potential when your better judgment tells you not to.
And I spent the next hour browsing through all of the articles on the site, bookmarking some great ones. Since then, I’ve subscrived to their feed and love reading most of their content. Granted some of the articles can be a bit superflous and I can tell their written by younger people in a different time of their lives. Some are even a bit angsty.
But some are great. I have a boatload of starred articles sitting in Google Reader and I figured that instead of inundating people on Facebook or clogging up my Stumbleupon timeline, I’d do a listing here of the ones I’ve loved so far.
If you have some time, go on over and check them out. It is a great site to add to your feed readers if you’re looking for something different than personal blogs, gossip sites or Damn You Auto Correct!