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Zombie Halloween Costumes

Twelve Days Removed

I spent the better part of this week fighting off sickness part the second which means I had a lot of time to sit around and go through the pictures that had been piling up on my hard drive since May.

Which means I get to show you these – although they are twelve days to late and we are less than two weeks from Thanksgiving, I couldn’t let this pass by.

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Christmas Card Shutterfly Steve Kristy
Digital Life

What’s A Christmasgram? I want one!

** Note: This giveaway is no longer accepting entries. Visit here to see who won! **

I wrote yesterday about how I can’t believe it’s November and I also can’t believe that the holidays are just around the corner! I don’t mind it all, truthfully, because Steve and I have agreed that part of our goal is to do Thanksgiving and Christmas as low key and least stressful as possible. This usually means we spend both holidays drinking booze, watching holiday themed movies or TV and eating delicious food. But I do love the holiday season and I always get excited to buy presents and plan menus and attend parties (I’ll be attending the first holiday party for my new job this year and am SUPER EXCITED because my old work had stopped doing them). And I am vowing to do it all while making it as easy as possible on myself, so that I can enjoy the holidays without stressing myself out.

Enter Shutterfly. Y’all know them, right? They are an awesome personal publishing service that pretty much lets you do AMAZING things with all of those photos cluttering up your hard drive.

I have been using Shutterfly exclusively for years – I print my photos from there, small personal ones for frames, large ones for display. I’ve gotten anything from 4×6″ all the way up to 20×30″ and they’ve come out beautifully everytime (I especially love the ability to print with a matte finish – I am no glossy photo girl). I’ve made photobooks of our vacation. And last year, we got our Christmas cards from there, which turned out beautifully!

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Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day!

Have a safe and happy Independence Day!

Eat some good good, drink some beer and don’t blow your hands off with fireworks!

And take a moment to remember why we celebrate this holiday and think of those who have sacrificed everything so we can continue celebrating this holiday.