The problem with hobbies is that there’s just not enough time to do them all and still manage to accomplish things that need to be done, like keeping on top of the housework and feeding my family and all of that gloriously awful crap that comes with being an adult.
I was going full steam ahead with this blog until about January which coincidentally ended up being when I decided to start working out and getting healthy. And it’s not like the working out cut into my blogging time, since I never had a set time. I guess it was more that the fitness became a bigger focus in my life than sitting down to write. Which is a shame because I love writing and I fucking hate (HATE!) working out.
I think it’s just that I am inherently lazy or, well, to be nicer about it – easily distracted? I start and go full steam ahead into things then get bored with them and move onto something else. I’ve done that with everything. It’s a big ball of “DO ALL THE THINGS!” and “Nope, I’m bored with that” rolling around in my head all of the time.