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Grandpa & Sammy

Happy Birthday

Today would have been his 73rd birthday.

It’s been almost six months but I still miss him every day. And there are days like today where the thoughts are overwhelming and no matter how much I try to push them back, they’re staring me in the face and punching me in the gut, reminding me of the last time I saw him and how much he loved our family and how I could sit on the phone with him for hour long conversations and how he loved my dog.

I forget how much it hurts because most days I don’t think about it.

Isn’t that how we get through this? You grieve and you’re sad but you take a deep breath and move on, because you have to, to stay strong, to stay living, to not become someone that person would be disappointed in, someone who doesn’t know how to go on living their lives to the fullest just because others are gone from this world.

Distance helps. It easier to not think about someone not being there when you don’t see them on a daily basis. But sometimes this makes me grieve more for those in my family, especially my Grandmother, who did and who are now missing a daily part of their life.

But we’re all reminded of him in our ways. We see pictures, we think of conversations, we hear a song or drink a drink or visit a place and think, “Oh man, Grandpa would have loved this so much!”

Especially today, his birthday.

There were no reminders from phone because I deleted them the day I deleted him from my contacts. Not because I wanted to forget but because it was too painful to see that reminder.

I never needed it though.

His birthday was always sandwiched in what I called the “November birthdays” which basically consisted of my sister on the 18th, my cousin on the 20th, my uncle on the 21st and my grandpa on the 22nd (all on the same side – my uncle being grandpa’s son, my cousin being my uncle’s son his last grandchild and my sister being my grandpa’s third grandchild). (My mom’s is tomorrow, the 23rd, so yes, November birthdays are oddly fitting)

I always called. I always got a chance to have a conversation with him, a long one about random things in life and it was always such a joy to hear the life in his voice, to know he’s celebrating another year in this world.

There’s no phone call this year and that makes me sad. I know one of these days, it won’t be so sad and it will be a gentle reminder of the man I knew and loved. A reminder to take a moment and celebrate the fact that I was blessed to have him in my life.

It will always be his birthday.

And what I wouldn’t give for more birthdays.


Zombie Halloween Costumes

Twelve Days Removed

I spent the better part of this week fighting off sickness part the second which means I had a lot of time to sit around and go through the pictures that had been piling up on my hard drive since May.

Which means I get to show you these – although they are twelve days to late and we are less than two weeks from Thanksgiving, I couldn’t let this pass by.

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Where I'm From
Literary, Memes

Where I’m From

I am from babydoll dresses and mini-backpacks, from Kid Sister and Lisa Frank, from frozen pizzas and Flavor Ice, from Electric Youth perfume and Avon and from playing Nintendo and watching The Cosby Show, TGIF and Beverly Hills 90210.

I am from Rayburn and Lafayette Streets, from Roberts Road and from Village Square, from white wicker front furniture and woven blankets and puke beige walls and boxes and packing tape and the echoes off the walls when it’s empty.  I am from the asphalt, from wheels humming along the highway, from eleven schools in twelve years and always making new friends.

I am from pampas grass, whose blades never failed to slice my fingers, and oak trees and Palmettos rising stately in the air, waving their leaves as if fingers brushing the sky.

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Entertainment, Life

Summer Plans

June has just flown by for me and it seems like our summer never really got started since we went right from Memorial Day into handling all of this.  But seeing as how today is the first day of summer, I’d figured I’d share a little summer to-do list with you all since I have my heart set on just letting go and enjoying things this season.  It really kind of helps to make those long hot and humid days less drawn out and monotonous and give us something to look forward to.

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