I know there have been tons of other more important things going on in the world but there’s one thing I wanted to say and I’m kind of late on it since I didn’t technically open this site until Saturday.
She … was perfection!
I didn’t wake up early, I didn’t throw any parties. As a matter of fact, I DVR’ed it and fast forwarded through to the good parts. When I was younger, I had always thought William was kind of cute but truth be told, Harry got the better end of that ugly stick. I mean, he’s not atrocious by any means and being a Prince sure does help in the getting girls game and I’m sure he’s quite a lovely person.
But Kate is simply lovely. Perfection at it’s finest. Am I the only one thinking he got the better end of the deal. I mean, she is stunning and she makes such a great royal. I bet after all of the bad press and shitty couple of years the royal family has had, the Queen is looking at Kate like she’s a breath of fresh air.

Because she is! I could care less about the rest of the wedding but those two dresses, I am IN LOVE with. I want to get married or throw a party just so I can get some replicas and wear them. She could not have looked more beautiful.
And when you take that and wrap it up into the whole pomp and circumstance and tradition and fairytaleness of the whole day, you can help but be a tiny bit enamored.
I’m sure Diana would be proud.
As an aside, a probably awful, mean, hateful aside – does anyone see the two poor unfortunate looking little girls in the first picture to the left of William? I mean, I guess they’re not horrible but I can gurantee if I looked back on a picture of me like that I’d be kind of sad, particularly if it had to do with such a large occasion.