
Sweet Nothings

I ask stupid questions sometimes – ok. A LOT. Mostly because I don’t think before I speak.

I do it so often i don’t even remember what I asked. Just this.

KRISTY: Nevermind, it was stupid.
STEVE: (laughs & hugs me) That’s why I love you! The first thing that comes to your brain is something stupid.

(Note: this is all in good fun and he is absolutely teasing when he says. Good natured teasing is a big part of how we relate to each other. Don’t go thinking it’s time to call domestic abuse or anything. He gets it as good as he gives it!)


The Bright Side

This was a very long week.  My case of the Mondays never seemed to go away despite my best efforts otherwise.  I tried to counteract it by giving myself little pep talks before I went to bed but every morning I woke up with a grey cloud already over my head and it took every effort for me to get out of bed and drag myself into work.

It’s mostly work itself.  Things have been slow the past few weeks and while I’ve been able to complete smaller easy tasks throughout the day, I’m really kind of lacking any projects to throw myself into.  Which leads to me feel very unchallenged.  And there are days where I will sit with no direction, nothing to do and I’ve literally got to find things to do.  I mean, I’m all caught up on my blogs in Google Reader and I’m even able to read them as they’re all posted through the day.  I don’t have email to return.  And everything else of fun and interest (Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, Flickr) are all blocked by work and even though I can access them from my phone, it is certainly more obvious to be sitting in my office on my phone all day than it is to be staring at my computer.

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Sweet Nothings

Sweet things (even semi-sweet) that my boyfriend says to me.

Watching Syfy and ad comes on for a Real Word type show with witches, vampires and werewolves. Steve asks if I saw that and explains the premise.

KRISTY: Huh? Is it real life?
KRISTY: What?!
STEVE: Yes, Kristy, real life werewolves.
STEVE: Yes, you had a moment. Aw baby, that’s why I love you. I live for those moments because you’re like the smartest person I know and every once in awhile you prove that I might be smarter than you.


Case of the Mondays

I woke up this morning with a bad case of the Mondays that just never seemed to go away.  And it was my own fault because I pretty much went to bed last night thinking I was going to be miserable this morning.  And I am nothing if not predictable – as in, if I think something is going to be a certain way it’s safe to say that regardless of the outcome, I will have convinced myself that yes, this is exactly the way I predicted it to be.

So this morning – huge sucky case of the Mondays.  Commence ass kicking.  Whatever.

It was partly the fact that I slept off and on in various parts of my house (bedroom, living room, guest room – pretty much every place I could lay on I’m like oh, I could use a nap) until close to 1pm yesterday.  I had taken Bendryl the night before, late the night before, and I had gotten up too earlier for it to wear off.  I was also fighting a really bad case of PMS, which basically means that the day OF I have absolutely NO ENERGY.  I feel as if my body is just drained of anything and it is NOT FUN!


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Summer Loving in Charleston
Entertainment, Life, Things I Buy

Summer Lovin’

Summer is quickly approaching and here in South Carolina, the humidity has descended upon us.  But with this comes the summer fun – beach days, BBQs, movies, drinks outside and long chats into the night.  Flip-flops, sunscreen, yard work – it’s all part of the loveliness that is wrapped into the long summer days and cool summer nights punctuated by the sounds of crickets and the brief flickers of lightning bugs.

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