Handwriting Meme

Handwriting Meme

Jenn did a splendid little handwriting meme that she got from Amanda so I’m going to follow suit and join in.

Basically, write the answers to these questions on a piece of paper.  (Note: I skipped #8 – tagging people – because I don’t know who reads here anymore but figured I’d go ahead and leave it in so those people who have bloggy friends that want to do it, can! LOL)

  1. Name/Name of website.
  2. Left or right-handed?
  3. Favorite letters to write?
  4. Least favorite letters to write?
  5. Write this: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  6. Write these in all capitals: CRAB, HUMOR, KALEIDOSCOPE, PAJAMAS, GAZILLION.
  7. Write your favorite lyrics to a song.
  8. Tag some people to do this meme next.
  9. Anything else you’d like to say?
Redesigned Google Reader
Digital Life

I Miss the Old Google Reader

Last week, Google Reader made some changes that most of it’s users were none too happy about it. While they at least had the decency to warn us ahead of time, I’d have to say all it really seemed to accomplish is giving the users a chance to seethe about it and build the hatred as doomsday approached. I am one of those users and I am dead center in the middle of the ‘I HATE THE NEW GOOGLE READER’ camp!

It’s not just about the change. I can handle the change. I like change and accept it, when it’s done well and to benefit the user. I understand Google’s stance of wanting to integrate their services and this is fine – I would rather it be easier for them to maintain and support fewer sites because then it makes them seamless and integrated and easier to use for me. I understand not wanting to maintain yet another service and I even kind of understand pushing Google+, a site that doesn’t seem like it’s reached the level of acceptance that Google envisioned for it, which, let’s be honest guys, you really should’ve stuck with what you do best and leave the social media takeover to Zuckerberg and his cronies.

What I don’t understand if their approach to this. It was basically a big ol’ SCREW YOU to the Google Reader users and I feel kind of abandoned, like I’m left out on a raft in the middle of the Internet sea.

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Christmas Card Shutterfly Steve Kristy
Digital Life

What’s A Christmasgram? I want one!

** Note: This giveaway is no longer accepting entries. Visit here to see who won! **

I wrote yesterday about how I can’t believe it’s November and I also can’t believe that the holidays are just around the corner! I don’t mind it all, truthfully, because Steve and I have agreed that part of our goal is to do Thanksgiving and Christmas as low key and least stressful as possible. This usually means we spend both holidays drinking booze, watching holiday themed movies or TV and eating delicious food. But I do love the holiday season and I always get excited to buy presents and plan menus and attend parties (I’ll be attending the first holiday party for my new job this year and am SUPER EXCITED because my old work had stopped doing them). And I am vowing to do it all while making it as easy as possible on myself, so that I can enjoy the holidays without stressing myself out.

Enter Shutterfly. Y’all know them, right? They are an awesome personal publishing service that pretty much lets you do AMAZING things with all of those photos cluttering up your hard drive.

I have been using Shutterfly exclusively for years – I print my photos from there, small personal ones for frames, large ones for display. I’ve gotten anything from 4×6″ all the way up to 20×30″ and they’ve come out beautifully everytime (I especially love the ability to print with a matte finish – I am no glossy photo girl). I’ve made photobooks of our vacation. And last year, we got our Christmas cards from there, which turned out beautifully!

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November Cozy
Entertainment, Life

And It’s November

It’s November, y’all! Y’ALL! I cannot believe I just typed that. It’s November 2011 and that means there’s less than three weeks until Thanksgiving and something like seven weeks until Christmas and then it will be 2012 and WHAT THE HELL WHY IS TIME GOING SO FAST?!

October did blow by pretty quickly in this house, more than usual. Seriously, ever since we turned thirty, both Steve and I constantly remark how fast the days, months, and years go by – it’s like the weight of time is bearing down upon us and before we know it we’re OLD.

But October was a crazy month here – I was sick for a week, then spent the next week doing all the prep for vacation that I should have been doing when I was sick, then vacation, then Steve was sick for a week and my dad has been having some heart issues which we still don’t know how they’re going to resolve. Then Halloween, of which we had a party to prepare for and also went over to my parents on Halloween-proper to help with their haunted house.

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