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friday five

Digital Life, Entertainment, Memes

From the Borderlands: A Friday Five


This thing still on? Man, it’s looking a bit desolate around here these days.

There’s no big explanation for why I was gone so long. I was just off, doing stuff. Stuff that I spent time thinking about writing about but never actually sat down to write about. So there was me being gone. And now there’s me being back, just because I need a place to write things out. Because anyone who’s been in this blogging game long enough knows how cathartic just dumping your thoughts out is. Because we’re the one with ALL THE THOUGHTS. My husband? He has thoughts. He has great thoughts. But he does not have ALL THE THOUGHTS running through his brain at all hours and minutes of the day, especially those hours and minutes where you are trying to go to sleep THANK YOU BRAIN!

So I might be a rusty for a bit. Things might ebb and flow. I make no promises because, well, I know better.

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