No Strings Attached

Watch This …

You should watch …


No Strings Attached

Steve and I watched this today and while I was the one who really wanted to see it, he actually said it was “Cute!” when it was over, which is basically his seal of approval.  I kind of loved this movie.  I loved Natalie Portman as Emma and even Ashton Kutcher was endearing.  (I don’t know what it is – I want to hate him and every movie he’s in but I usually find myself thinking that he’s actually not that bad)  There’s a great supporting cast with a lot of people I recognized – Kevin Kline, Cary Elwes (in a rather subdued role), Ludacris (whom I actually really like as an actor) Mindy Kaling, Guy Brannum (of Chelsea Lately fame)  and more.  While slightly predictable overall, there were so many small moments throughout – one liners, against cliched character reactions, etc. that it made up for the overall ‘I already know what’s gonna happen from the very beginning’.  Definitely something you should check out, especially if you’re in the mood for a “chick” flick that your significant other will also enjoy.

Fast Five

Go ahead and be all Judgy McJudgerson about this – I have NO shame.  I remember seeing the first one in the theatre and every subsequent one except for Fast and Furious.  These are just FUN movies and it really stirs up the FUN and nostalgia every time one comes out.  What I loved about this one is no body took themselves seriously.  The stunts were over the top, there were explosions, an action packed foot chase scene (a la Jason Bourne) and throwbacks to all the previous movies, both in simple mentions and the general gathering of past characters.  And just when you wondered how they were going to tell an original story, they throw The Rock (screw you and your full name acting, you will always be The Rock) in as a relentless bulldog of a Federal agent who will stop at nothing to track them down AND they orchestrate a heist that pretty much ends with such an amount of incredulousness that you literally cannot believe what you are watching.  There’s fast cars, gorgeous men and ladies and just A LOT OF FUN!  I’d almost go on record to say this the best of the franchise.

ALSO: STAY AFTER THE CREDITS … what a surprise they threw in there!

What have you seen lately that you recommend we check out?

Images via Amazon and IMDB.

30th Birthday Celebration

Ending of an Era

I think I’ll take a moment to celebrate my age.  The ending of an era and the turning of a page. My Next Thirty Years, Tim McGraw.

So, it happened.  I turned thirty last weekend.  And the world did not implode.  My body did not shrivel into a ball of wrinkles and skin.  And to be perfectly frank, I had an absolute blast!!!!

Everybody talks about dreading birthdays as you get older and I remember saying, when I was 25 or so, that I was scared of thirty.  That I was going to embrace getting older.  I mean, what a silly thing to be scared of.  Then twenty-nine hit.  And Steve turned thirty.  And our bodies started having these weird aches.  The mornings after parties were rougher and rougher.  And well, it got a bit terrifying.

But truth be told, birthdays are fabulous because of the people who surround you.  I am so very blessed to have such wonderful people who were willing to come out and celebrate and I really and truly believe that they are the reason I didn’t dread my birthday.

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Welcome Mat
Digital Life


Even though I hate moving in general, I’ve always loved the moments right after you get into a new place and start unloading everything.  The idea of a clean slate and a fresh outlook makes me happy and gives me hope.  Even if I might be working with some old materials.

It took me a long time to make this decision and part of me is still wondering if I made the right one.  Then again, it’s just a website, a domain – a small mostly insignificant virtual space in the world.  It’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t work out.

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