Where I'm From
Literary, Memes

Where I’m From

I am from babydoll dresses and mini-backpacks, from Kid Sister and Lisa Frank, from frozen pizzas and Flavor Ice, from Electric Youth perfume and Avon and from playing Nintendo and watching The Cosby Show, TGIF and Beverly Hills 90210.

I am from Rayburn and Lafayette Streets, from Roberts Road and from Village Square, from white wicker front furniture and woven blankets and puke beige walls and boxes and packing tape and the echoes off the walls when it’s empty.  I am from the asphalt, from wheels humming along the highway, from eleven schools in twelve years and always making new friends.

I am from pampas grass, whose blades never failed to slice my fingers, and oak trees and Palmettos rising stately in the air, waving their leaves as if fingers brushing the sky.

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A Hotel in Missouri

As I indicated here, I was out of a town in June for about four days.  I had to go to St. Louis for training for work.  Normally, I would have welcomed a trip like that but I think overall what got me was that I wasn’t actually in St. Louis proper (as I’ve come to discover, most company training like this is never in the actual city you’re traveling to but rather a suburb far enough out that requires a vehicle) and I didn’t have a vehicle.  So basically, all I saw of St. Louis was the airport, the highway that took me to the hotel, the hotel, the road that took me to the company and back to the airport.

The hotel wasn’t bad, as I indicated.  Nothing about the experience itself was bad up until the last day when my flight got delayed numerous times due to mechanical issues and rather than actually cancel the flight and be forced to comp people, US Airways just decided to tell us to wait around the terminal for five hours so they could find another plane.  Which, I guess worked because I got home that night but, well, I got home that night instead of that afternoon and had basically spent twelve hours in airports.

Was not a happy camper.

Regardless, to busy myself while in St. Louis, I took pictures of things.  Not too exciting but the grounds of the hotel were beautiful.  So I figured I’d post those up here.  Because I visited a hotel in St. Louis (or rather, Maryland Heights).


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Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day!

Have a safe and happy Independence Day!

Eat some good good, drink some beer and don’t blow your hands off with fireworks!

And take a moment to remember why we celebrate this holiday and think of those who have sacrificed everything so we can continue celebrating this holiday.

Wating at the drive in
Entertainment, Life

Stranded at the Drive-In

There’s a drive-in about an hour away from here in Beaufort that Steve and I like to visit on a leisurely Saturday night.  For the price of $6 per person, you get two new release movies.  And their snack bar has an abundance of really good yet reasonably priced junk food.  So we usually make an afternoon out of it – get there early, eat some dinner then settle in for two movies and head home afterward.

A couple of weekends ago we went to see The Green Lantern (eh!) and the Hangover II (double eh!).  And I had to document our journey, mostly because I was bored waiting for the movies to start.

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Fourth of July Banner

See that cute and festive little thing up there? I made that!  And while it was super easy to do, I am still proud of myself because I have been amazingly crafty and productive lately and little things like that make me realize that I can be crafty without it taking up a lot of time.  (This was inspired by something I saw on Pinterest – I guess it’s easy to make things once the actual inspiration is there).

This is a really easy project that you can whip together in a few hours.

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