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Entertainment, Life

Summer Plans

June has just flown by for me and it seems like our summer never really got started since we went right from Memorial Day into handling all of this.  But seeing as how today is the first day of summer, I’d figured I’d share a little summer to-do list with you all since I have my heart set on just letting go and enjoying things this season.  It really kind of helps to make those long hot and humid days less drawn out and monotonous and give us something to look forward to.

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30th Birthday Celebration

Ending of an Era

I think I’ll take a moment to celebrate my age.  The ending of an era and the turning of a page. My Next Thirty Years, Tim McGraw.

So, it happened.  I turned thirty last weekend.  And the world did not implode.  My body did not shrivel into a ball of wrinkles and skin.  And to be perfectly frank, I had an absolute blast!!!!

Everybody talks about dreading birthdays as you get older and I remember saying, when I was 25 or so, that I was scared of thirty.  That I was going to embrace getting older.  I mean, what a silly thing to be scared of.  Then twenty-nine hit.  And Steve turned thirty.  And our bodies started having these weird aches.  The mornings after parties were rougher and rougher.  And well, it got a bit terrifying.

But truth be told, birthdays are fabulous because of the people who surround you.  I am so very blessed to have such wonderful people who were willing to come out and celebrate and I really and truly believe that they are the reason I didn’t dread my birthday.

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