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30th Birthday Celebration

Ending of an Era

I think I’ll take a moment to celebrate my age.  The ending of an era and the turning of a page. My Next Thirty Years, Tim McGraw.

So, it happened.  I turned thirty last weekend.  And the world did not implode.  My body did not shrivel into a ball of wrinkles and skin.  And to be perfectly frank, I had an absolute blast!!!!

Everybody talks about dreading birthdays as you get older and I remember saying, when I was 25 or so, that I was scared of thirty.  That I was going to embrace getting older.  I mean, what a silly thing to be scared of.  Then twenty-nine hit.  And Steve turned thirty.  And our bodies started having these weird aches.  The mornings after parties were rougher and rougher.  And well, it got a bit terrifying.

But truth be told, birthdays are fabulous because of the people who surround you.  I am so very blessed to have such wonderful people who were willing to come out and celebrate and I really and truly believe that they are the reason I didn’t dread my birthday.

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